Words For Life

Words For Life (1)

I live above the systems of this world because the greater One lives in me! I’m not subject to the elements of the world, and my life is a testimony of God’s greatness. Divine might is at work in me; my strength is renewed daily, causing me to triumph over sickness and infirmity. The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body, because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

Words For Life (2)

I am more than a conqueror in this life and I reign over sickness, over demons, and the forces of darkness! I am blessed! I walk in the light of God’s Word; I declare that the Word is producing the results of what it talks about in my life. Thank you, Lord Jesus! I know who I am. Hallelujah!

Words For Life (3)

I reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness and over death. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone. My success, health, prosperity, and long life are assured in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Words For Life (4)

I know who I am! I am the very offspring of God Almighty. I reject sickness, poverty, and the low life because I was born for the top. The Spirit of God is at work in me, and He is the life of my physical body! I am special and important to God, and I am His best and most cherished workmanship. Thank you, Jesus!

Words For Life (5)

As I release the Word of God from my mouth in power, all the obstacles before me are falling down flat! I declare that the limitations that try to stay in my way are walls without foundations! By the power of God’s Spirit, I am marching on, unstoppable and unshakeable! I refuse to recognize lying vanities, because I am a faith-child of a faith-God, and I live and overcome daily by my faith in the Word of God, which is my assurance!

Words For Life (6)

I declare that I am indestructible because of the eternal life that is at work in me. No weapon fashioned against me, by whatever name it is called and in whatever form it may take, shall prosper! No sickness or infirmity can fasten itself to my body! I am superior to Satan and all the cohorts of hell! I am a victor in this life and success, divine health and victory are mine, in the Name of Jesus!

Words For Life (7)

I live every day, full of life, and invigorated by the power of the Holy Ghost at work in me! I live and walk in dominion every day of my life. I reign as a king over devils, and over every sickness! Nothing can put me down because I am more than a conqueror! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world!

Words For Life (8)

Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world! I am indestructible and impervious to sickness and disease! I am a child of Zion, a beautiful citizen of the beloved country of God! I have arrived at the place of my inheritance now! Sickness is a thing of the past! Poverty is a thing of the past! Life and peace belong to me now! Thank you, Jesus!